Letter Forms
1. Full block style
Namely writing a letter that all starts from the left edge. that is, starting from the date, the final word until the word attachment is written on the bottom of the writing starts from the left.
2. Block style
Basically the same as the letters form a full straight, the difference lies in the placement date, the closing salutation, name of institution, explained name and job title are written on the right letter.
3. Semi block style
Actually same with straight letter shapes, the difference lies in writing the letter and each new paragraph indented (get into). in practice, the letter with this form used by many companies.
4. Indented style
Writing the address on the letter is not flat or shaped like a ladder, and each new paragraph indented into.
5. hanging paragraph
Actually also the same as the straight form letters, the difference is only in the writing of his address and paragraphs. Each paragraph was written the left, is indented into the next line.
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